Monday, November 4, 2013

Drawing Wall Quickly

If your experience with drawing walls has been like mine, you have probably started out by creating the plans using the line command and offsetting or moving those lines to create the desire wall thickness. After you created all of the guidlines necessary, you then began to trim or fillet out all of the lines that were not important to the layout. Although this is not the wrong way to layout a room, it can be somewhat time consuming, so I have come up with a couple of tricks using the "dline" (doubleline) command, along with a custom dynamic wall break.

When creating walls, there are several things that you will want to address in order to make this process as efficient as possible. First of all, you will most likely want to draw walls on a specific layer defined as WALL LINES or whatever you wish. Then you will want these lines to be a desired (Color) (Linetype) (Lineweight). Lastly, you will want the wall lines to be a certain width apart depending on the use of the wall. By using a custom macro, I am able to solve all of these requirements, including the different wall widths. 

In the process of creating these layouts, you do not always end a wall with a clean square end. Sometimes you will need to break a wall at some point where a wall does not necessarily end but continues into an area that does not pertain to your drawing. I have created several different styles of wall breaks to deal with this condition.

Take a look at the video and try your hand at creating walls quickly.