Friday, November 11, 2011

Cabinet Blocks & Cabinet Section

 I hope that you are not tired of the Cabinet Blocks category , because I have added yet an additional feature to these blocks that I hope that you will like. In addition to being able to view the cabinet interior shelves, I thought it would be nice to be able to see dimensions. These dimensions are attached to the cabinets, so that when the cabinet widths are changed, the dimension update. By having these dimensions as part of the Cabinet Blocks, this will save you time, not having to add them later, as well as, the time savings, when making revisions.

One other quick note, I have recently upgraded to AutoCAD LT 2012 and I have found many new features that I am excited about using, and one of them is call Associative Array. So in the process of making the next video, I decided to use this new command in my demonstation.

Take a look at the video and let me know what you think.

Now that I have discussed the Cabinet Blocks category of “The Block Factory” in the last few blogs, I’d like to introduce a category that work hand in hand with them, and this category is label Cabinet Sections. What I like about the Cabinet Section category is that these blocks allow the user to change one cabinet section into many different sizes, as well as, allowing the user to place more than one of the same cabinet section block within the same drawing without effecting one another. As I created the Cabinet Blocks category, I also created the Cabinet Sections category, so that there would be corresponding section for each of them.

I have attached a short video to give you an Idea of how these work.

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